#21 Jamie Quirk
This is the second card that I got Jaime to sign for me at Royals Fanfest last year. These types of signings are always one autograph per person, so this is the only person that I got two signatures from (at one time, more or less). You can see the other one that I got signed here (it was one of my first posts).
At Fanfest, there were basically three autograph lines that you could get into. There was current Royals 1, current Royals 2, and Royals alumni. I was only in the alumni line one time and that was because I had someone holding my spot in one of the current Royals lines. My buddy and I were towards the end of the line, but it was moving fairly fast. When we got to the front, we found that Quirk, Dennis Leonard, and Greg Pryor were the ones signing. They were all reliving the glory days with one another and weren't really paying much attention to the fans. I got my three cards signed and then just kind of stood around there. There was about five people behind me and after they went through, I went by again and got this card signed as well as two Royals supplied 4x6 inch photos from the other two guys.
So, for some odd reason, I got two autographed cards from a long time Royal and neither one had him on there as a Royal. I could not pass up getting that '78 Topps card signed but I'm not quite sure why I wanted this one signed so bad.
I've added a few more Royals cards to my want list. Fanfest is just right around the corner. So if anybody can help me out, it would greatly be appreciated!
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