#778 Keith Comstock
The Padrograph of the day features Keith Comstock. Keith was a relief pitcher that was pretty ineffective as a Padre. He did, however, have two good seasons with the Mariners as a LOOGY in 1989 and '90. In '91, he got into one game with the M's. He pitched a third of an inning and gave up two runs for an ERA of 54.54 for the season. This was his last Major League appearence.
When the Rangers fired their pitching coach last season, Andy Hawkins got called up from the AAA team as the replacement. Keith took over for Hawkins in Oklahoma.
I have no memory of Comstock as a player, but I remember wanting the white letter error variation of that card when I was a kid.
Never got one... though I'd guess I could find one for a quarter (plus some ridiculous shipping charge) if I looked around now.
I don't even remember the error card. The first time I heard about it was in the 88 Topps blog.
I just checked ebay and you can get three white ones and two regulars for $1.25, PLUS $2.75 shipping.
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