#324 Paul Molitor
I got this card signed in the early '90s through the mail. It was probably when Paul was still in Milwaukee, but it could have been after he left for Toronto. This is about the worst card that I could have possibly sent to him. You can barely see the signature on it. He signed on top of the blue outfield wall with a blue sharpie. About the only thing that you can see is part of the P on the pant leg. If it would have been signed in black or up around his waist, it would have been perfect.
I don't know this for sure, but I have heard that Paul works for the Twins. If that is the case, I will send him a card to sign this season.
According to Wikipedia, Paul is one of four players that has 3000 hits, a .300 lifetime average, and 500 stolen bases. The other three players are Ty Cobb, Honus Wagner and Eddie Collins.
That is two Pauls in a row on here.
z, have you ever had anything signed in white sharpie? Does it work?
No, I haven't. I didn't even realize that white sharpies were made. I've seen the silver ones, but not white. I'm pretty much a black and blue kind of guy.
Thanks, I was just curious. I was thinking white sharpies might be nice for black designs (1992 Pinnacle) or dark cards (1989 Upper Deck cards -- heh). Reason being, I have a signed '92 Pinnacle Mike MacFarlane that looks really sweet... but he signed it with a black pen. So some of his signature just fades into the card kind of like the Molitor does.
Still good 'graphs though.
It would be worth checking out. I have a couple of Ken Harvey cards that I was thinking about getting signed at a T-Bones game. But it's a close-up shot of him and he's wearing the old black Royals jersey. So black or blue is not going to be seen on that card. I know because I have already tried on a Shane Costa card. So, I might look into the white of silver Sharpies.
Sweet! If you do, let me know how it turns out!
Can you comment on the best pen for different type of cards? I'm taking my son to a Cardinals auto session and he's taking a stack of cards with him. I bought him a blue Sharpie for the cards but some of them are Chrome cards and I'm not sure if the Blue Sharpie will work well on those.
Sharpies work good on the Chrome cards. This was my first year of going all out getting autographed cards, so I'm not quite an expert, yet. But I have only used Sharpies. I met a guy in Texas this past summer and he uses a Steadtler (or something like that). He said they dry much faster. But I have never ran across any of them. But, you should be alright with the Sharpie. Try to get a piece of pantyhose to take with you. Just before you get the card signed, rub the face of it with the hose. It will help (only do that on the glossy cards). Hopefully, this helps and I hope you and your boy have a great time.
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