#673 Robbie Beckett
To be honest, I don't remember Robbie Beckett. I had a bunch of cards from 1991, but I never had this one. This is another Padrograph that Rod sent me. He has already posted a Robbie Beckett card, so I'm not going to say anything else about him. If you want to know more about Robbie Beckett, you can check out Rod's post here.
This is the last card from the '91 Score set. Boy, do I have a swell card picked out for tomorrow. Also, I started a contest last night. There is still plenty of time to enter if you haven't already.
I think Score did a good job with their draft pick cards that year. I generally prefer poses over action shots in all my baseball cards, but the posed rookie cards of that era (ahem, 1992 Topps and 1991 Stadium Club) were SO bad that I prefer the action shots in this case. Jeffrey Wolfe had some great examples of this in his 1992 Topps pack the other day. Man, those high school yearbook shots were atrocious.
Those shots were pretty bad. I'll have one on here sometime in late February.
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