#375 Bert Blyleven
Here is another card that I got through the mail in 1992. This was the first TTM card I received that was personalized to me. I'm kind of surprised that this card even exists since Bert missed all of 1991 with an injury. It's a good thing I sent this card out when I did because 1992 was Bert's last season.
Bert finished his career with 284 wins and 3,701 strikeouts. Yet, for some reason, he has not been elected to the Hall of Fame. I guess the biggest complaint against him is that he never won a Cy Young award (I'm sure there are more, but I can't think of any). Well, I don't think Don Sutton ever won one and he is in. Bert is fifth all time in strikeouts and ninth in shutouts. If that doesn't put you in the Hall, I don't know what will. But, he is slowly climbing the ladder to get in. This year, he received 62.7% of the votes. He only has three more years to go before he is taken off the ballot. Maybe he'll pull a Jim Rice and get inducted in his final year of eligibility.
Today, Bert is a commentator with the Twins TV telecast. Whenever the Twins come to Kansas City, all of their fans show up with "Circle Me Bert" signs. I'm not sure what that means. It's just a Twins thing I guess. Also, Bert, who was born in the Netherlands, will be the pitching coach for them in the World Baseball Classic.
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