#655 Kenny Lofton
Here is another card that I got signed through the mail back in the day. If it wasn't for this card, I would have forgotten that Lofton ever played for the Astros. I remember him playing the first half of his career in Cleveland (with one year in Atlanta) and then bouncing around to different teams every year in the second have of his career. He played for eleven teams in his 17-year career. The Indians were the only team he ever played with for more than one season and he played for them in three different stints.
This was the first baseball player's autograph that I had ever recieved that wasn't signed in blue or black (I had a footbal card signed in silver and a basketball card signed in gold). This was the only red autograph that I had until Rod sent me a few more.
Kenny has a pretty slopping signature. Usually, I don't care for these, but I have always liked this one. This was the first one that I had ever received that made me say "wow, look at that". It was so simple. Within a few days, I had the Kenny Lofton signature down to where I could have reproduced it without even looking at it. I don't know why I did that, but I did.
When I was playing ball in college, there were guys on my team that would practice signing their names all nice and neat. When they saw my signature, they told me mine was bush league. I told that that they have obviosly never seen Kenny Lofton's. I think that I may have started signing my last name the way that I do after I got this card. Kenny was a bad influence on me.
I just noticed this. Lofton's signed last name looks like the "A" that starts Steve Avery's last name.

Sweet auto. I had a post of Lofton on my wall for a long time. About a month ago I bought 2 boxs of '92 Fleer. Why? Because they were combined $3 with about $10 shipping. I'm still not sure who made out on that deal.
OH, and you can definately have that Al Fitzmorris card. I just can't find your email anywhere.
That is a sweet card. What position did you play in college?
Speaking of which did you ever have any baseball cards made of yourself? Gotta say that would be pretty awesome.
I played 1st. I didn't get much playing time. The two guys in front of me both got drafted. I only played one year.
The only card I have of myself was made in 1991 when I was about ten or eleven. It's not much, just something the the photographer offered when they took photos. It doesn't have the team name or my name on it.
Still that's pretty awesome that you played. I was friends with a guy who was quite an amazing player at the high school level (scouted a little bit even) but was mostly a bench player in college. It takes a lot to be able to do that. I never could sniff it, I know that.
That's funny about the baseball card. I was imagining something of when you were in college. I had a baseball card from grade school too, but it wasn't even from our team. It was a mail in thing that anybody could do. I saw it the other day and got a pretty big kick out of it.
I was pretty excited about mine. I even put in my binder of 1991 cards. It's still in there, too.
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