#534 John Wathan
As odd as it may seem, I did not get this card signed at the Willie Wilson Classic. This card is actually from the Collective Troll. I thought that I had the first half of his cards wrapped up a couple of days ago, but I obviously forgot about this one.
This card is cool because it is the only manager card that I can think of that has him wearing a batting helmet. I took this card with me to Royals Fanfest last year, but I was unable to get it signed. I got a few cards signed by him, but they were all older cards. While I was standing in another alumni autograph line that day, I was going to try to get this card signed as John was leaving the signing area. But, he ended up going the opposite direction. Well, I have one signed now.
Thanks Troll!
I love the manager cards from '88 Topps. That's a nice one.
The helmet always confused me on that one, too. He's all sweaty, too. Maybe he was showing the boys how its done? I may have a package for you later this week...
I have the same thought on this as Collective Troll. What's with the sweat? Was the photo like an after-thought?
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