#209 Charlton Jimerson
Here is a card that Paul, from Paul's Random Baseball Stuff, got signed for me in 2009. That year, Paul had 'graphed so many Atlantic League games that he had autographs from about everyone that he needed. Being the gracious blogger that he is, he offered to get stuff signed for other people over the course of the remainder of the season. So, I sent some cards out to Paul and he did a great job of getting most of them signed for me.
Charlton has an interesting career stat line. He appeared in thirty-one games over a four year span with the Astros and Mariners. He must have been used mostly as a defensive replacement because he only had nine at-bats in those thirty-one games. But, in those nine ABs, Charlton had four hits and two of them were for home runs. That is not a bad career stat line. Four out of nine is good for .444 career average. But, if Charlton hadn't got that one at-bat with the M's in 2008, he would be a .500 hitter. I don't care if it is only eight at-bats, but four for eight would be something to brag about. Heck, I'd even brag about .444, but that is just me.
In Paul's Thanksgiving post today, he mentioned this blog as one of the things he was thankful for. Obviously, this is a two way street here and I am thankful for all the cards and autographs Paul has thrown my way.
While I am giving thanks, I also want to thank Ryan, Brian, Greg, Rod, Marck, and all of the other bloggers that help make this community what it is. I don't post as much as I would like any more. But, without you all, I probably wouldn't be blogging at all. Thanks, guys!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
I have a feeling that Mr. Jimerson brags about his .444 MLB average. :)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Jimerson Homered on the first pitchhe ever saw, breaking up a Perfect Game (only in the 6th) that was being pitched by Cole Hamels.
It was arguably the best regular season games I have ever seen. Hamels v Roger Clemens. Extra Innings Walk Off HOmer by Utley.
Happy Thanksgiving Z!
If you ever move that card let me know and maybe I'll be able to land it. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
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