Thursday, November 1, 2012

1966 Topps, Rene Lachemann

#157 Rene Lachemann

This is the third and final Rene Lachemann card that I have to post. I got the cards signed in the summer of 2011 when I went to Colorado Springs for a game. Rene was the batting coach for the Colorado Springs Sky Sox and I was able to get my cards signed just before the game started. For a minute, though, I didn't think he was going to sign because he said he didn't have time. Then he stopped and talked to one of the grounds crew for a bit. After he finished up that conversation, he came straight over to me and signed all three cards that I had. The game was about to start and people were leaving the dugout area to find their seats, so maybe Rene just didn't want to get stuck signing for a crowd. Whatever reason, it worked out for me.

Rene played in the Majors for parts of three seasons. The bulk of his playing time came in his rookie 1965 campaign when he played in 92 of his 118 games. That year he hit just .227 for the A's while clubbing 9 home runs and 29 RBI. It is kind of odd that he had more homers than doubles (7) and triples (1) combined. It must have had something to do with his catcher speed.

This card is the only card from the '60s that I have ever got signed by an active coach at a game. It is pretty cool that he is still active at the highest level of the minor leagues even though he broke into the Majors over forty-five years ago.

The other two cards that Rene signed for me were a Mariners manager card and a Brewers manager card, both from the early '80s.

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