Thursday, April 26, 2012

2006 Topps, Brian Bannister

#642 Brian Bannister

Here is the card that almost killed off this blog.

Back in January, I was posting fairly regularly. I wasn't posting daily like I used to, but I was pumping out two to four posts a week. I had a lot going on in my life at the time and still do, so this blog wasn't a top priority. But, I was still finding time to get some posts in whenever I could. Then it was time to post this card.

I cropped the scan of this card, started a new post, and then I could not think of anything to write. I said screw it and started over the next day and the exact same thing happened. I did the same thing the following day and then ended up going a whole month without posting on here.

I guess the main reason for my writers block was because I had posted a card of Brian about a month and a half earlier. In that post, I commented on how Brian was always a great signer when he was with the Royals and that he has one of the nicest and most consistant signatures in baseball. And for some reason, that was all I really had to say about Brian. Never mind the fact that this is only the second Brian Bannister card that I have posted and I still probably have another half dozen or so cards of him as a Royal. But, I will get to them as they come.

In my last Bannister post, I commented how Brian left Japan after last year's earthquake and tsunami. I figured that he must have been a free agent. But, according to Wikipedia, Brian has retired from baseball and is now running a photography studio in Phoenix. I didn't see that one coming.

As for me, I am doing well. I have moved towns and am living with my girlfriend and her son and I could not be happier. I have been to two Royals games so far (both obviously losses) and I got twenty-six cards signed between the two games.

I'm not quite used to the new blogger, so I hope this post comes out looking like it is supposed to.


  1. Writer's block?






  2. That's an interesting career change for Brian Bannister.

    I'm glad things are going well for you.

    I haven't spent that much time with the new Blogger interface - but so far I'm amazed that they found a way to make it even less pleasant to use.

  3. Glad this post finally got to see the light of day.


  4. Glad to see you back on the blog Zach! You'll have to shoot me your new address because I hope to have something to send your way soon.

  5. I'll always hold against him...making you stop like that.

    I'm glad to see you're back and really glad to hear about your happy domestic situation.
