Saturday, January 23, 2010

1999 UD Choice, George Lombard

#25 George Lombard

This is the second George Lombard card that I have posted on here. Like the first, Paul, of Paul's Random Stuff, got this card signed for me at an Atlantic League game.

When Paul put out the offer to get cards signed for other people, I jumped at the chance. When I figured out who I had cards of, I emailed Paul the list. Paul replied and asked me if I had any extras of a few players on the list. The only person I had cards of was George and for some reason, I had five or six of this card. I sent them all to Paul and told him give the extras to his friends. I wasn't expecting to get one back because I was mainly concerned with the minor league card of George. So I was pleasantly surprised when I got this one back with the other. The black and white background really makes the autograph stand out.

For some reason, Upper Deck changed the name of this set in 1999. It used to be Collector's Choice.


  1. There were so many George Lombard cards that I figured I should send one of them back to you. You must have gotten "Bipped" before Thorzul coined the term & started the trend :)

  2. I certainly appreciate it, Paul.

    Thanks again!

  3. Well, I learned something today. I had no idea that UD Choice was once Collector's Choice. The 1990s were so confusing.

  4. Ah George Lombard. Good times.

