Wednesday, October 21, 2009

1995 Donruss, Shane Reynolds

#307 Shane Reynolds

This is the second Shane Reynolds card that I have posted on here. The last one was a minor league card of him from his days in the Texas League. There is still one card of him coming up, but it probably won't appear until early 2010. Like the last Reynolds card, this one was obtained at Astros Fanfest.

I'm not a big fan of 1995 Donruss. The cards all look good, I just don't like the foil. Usually, I don't mind foil, but I have a hard time reading the name on the cards when I'm going through them quickly looking for a certain player.

This blog is in a bit of a funk right now. Starting with the Joe Randa card on Monday, all of the posts up to Friday feature players that have been on here before. That will end on Saturday, though.

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