Tuesday, October 20, 2009

1995 Donruss, Pat Meares

#185 Pat Meares

This is the last Pat Meares card that I have to show on here. Like I've said in the two or three previous Meares' posts, he is a local guy and was the talk of the town in the when I was in middle and high school. Now, the talk of the town is Terence Newman of the Cowboys.

I got this card signed at the same time that I got the last Meares card signed. It was at the local AMBUCS boat and RV show that they have here every year. Though I had been to one of the shows before, I'm pretty sure that I only went to this specific one since Pat was going to be there.

I just went back and checked. I only have one other signed Meares card and it was a TTM from right after he got called up.

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