Tuesday, June 26, 2018

College World Series Contest Update

The College World Series finals are here. Unlike in past years, when the contest has been wrapped up by now, this one is still going strong and down to two contestants- Greg and Joey. Heading into the finals, Joey has a 17-13 lead. Joey got 3 points in the first phase and, having picked the finals participants, has 14 points through the second phase. Greg got 5 points in phase one and has 8 points through phase two.

In order for Greg to come back and win this thing, Oregon State has to win the Series in three games (which will tie the two at 17 points) with 17 or fewer runs scored in the three games. If Arkansas wins, Oregon State wins in two, or Oregon State wins in three with 18 or more runs scored, Joey will pull off the win.

It is going to be fun to watch how this thing plays out. I have never had to go to runs scored in this contest, so I am looking forward to putting that variable into play.

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