Saturday, June 30, 2018

College World Series Contest Finale

The CWS has been over for a couple of days and I am just now finding the time to update this. Sorry for the delay. It was a great finals this year with Arkansas being a foul pop-up from winning it to losing decisively in the third game. Oregon State won it in three games, which means we had to go to the tie-breaker for the first time in this contest and it was a nail-biter. Greg predicted 15 runs in the finals while Joey picked 20. So, 17 or fewer runs and it was Greg's; 18 or more and it was Joey's. In the bottom of the eighth inning of Game Three, OSU knocked in the fifth and final run of the game for the 18th run of the Series. Joey is the winner.

If you are one of the three other people that took the time to fill out a bracket this year, send me your address and I will get a consolation PWE out to you. Chances are that I probably already have your address, but send it to me anyways just to remind me. zman40 at hotmail dot com

I have decided that this year was the last year that I will hold this contest. I have been running it since 2010 and it has been a fun ride and something I have looked forward to every year. But, with only four people filling out brackets this year and no more free autograph signings at the CWS to fill the prize bucket, I think it is time to call it quits. Thank you to everyone that has ever filled out a bracket, no matter if you did just one or came back for multiples.


  1. Congrats to Joey on the win. I'm sad to see the contest go, though I was one that neglected to do a bracket this year (despite tying for the lead in part 1). I put it off to Saturday then got unexpectedly busy that morning. Thanks for having it all these years.

  2. I'm glad that I am not the only one sad to see it go. Thanks for being a part of it for all these years!

  3. Thanks for the contest Zach. I look forward to this every year and I'm glad I was finally able to win it. I hope you continue doing this contest, it's basically the only reason I watch the cws. Let me know if I can help out at all with it so you can keep it going. Hit me up the next time you're in town so we can meet up.

  4. Congrats, Joey!

    And no need sending me a PWE, but I do appreciate it. I didn't watch much of the CWS, but just participating in this caused me to pay more attention than I otherwise would have!

    If you'd just add my blog ( to your blogroll, that would be a great consolation prize!

