Sunday, June 26, 2016

College World Series Contest Final Standings

The College World Series is not over, but this contest is. Nobody picked Arizona to reach the finals and only one person picked Coastal Carolina, but did not pick them to win. So, there is no point in dragging this out any longer.

Here are the final standings: Total (phase 1, phase 2)

The Lost Collector: 10 (7, 3)
Greg Z: 8 (5, 3)
Wilson: 8 (4, 4)
Superduperman: 7 (3, 4)
Need More Cardboard : 7 (2, 5)
Brandon: 7 (3, 4)
Joey: 5 (1, 4)
Play at the Plate: 5 (3, 2)
John: 2 (2, 0)
Jimmy: 2 (2, 0)

So AJ, send me your address when you get a chance and I will get your winnings out to you.

Thanks to all that participated. I am already looking forward to next year.

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