Tuesday, December 29, 2015

2007 Topps, Esteban German

#UH77 Esteban German

I cannot believe that I have not posted a card on here for over three weeks. But, it has been a busy month with work and I have a baby on the way. Add in the fact that I lost my "baseball room" to the baby and it is easy to understand the lack of posts. Luckily, I mostly have the baby's room in order and I finally have my computer set back up. So I hope to get back to my sporadic posting. I get some time off when the baby arrives and I hope to get back to posting daily for a few weeks. I haven't done that in over three years.

Anyway, here is a card of Esteban German that I got signed by the Royals parking lot in 2008. The signature did not turn out too great, but that was back before I knew about prepping cards. A majority of my 2007 Topps cards that I have were unprepped and some came out better than others. The funny thing is that I had worse luck with the Update set than I did for the first two series. If you scroll down a bit and look at the other cards on this page, only the Erstad and Yost cards were prepped. The rest were not and they came out looking just fine. But, for the most part, that was not the case with Update and Highlights.

This one has some slight bubbling, but is generally okay. I got this same card signed a month earlier and it did not come out looking as good. Here is a photo of the original one.

Unfortunately, this was the norm for me with the Update series.

No, this card is not super mis-cut. My scanner lopped off the left edge and I did not feel like re-scanning it.

If anyone needs or wants the original card that I got signed, let me know and it is yours.

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