Tuesday, June 23, 2015

College World Series Contest Final Results

I have been meaning to post this for the past two days, so here it finally is. After counting and recounting to make sure everything is correct, it is time to announce the winner of the College World Series Contest. This year's winner is Superduperman99!

I know the CWS is still being played, but it doesn't matter. Nobody picked Virginia to even be in the finals. Three people picked Vanderbilt to be in and they all picked them to win in three games. This contest has been over since Saturday night, but I have just been too busy to tally and post.

It was a close finish this year. Greg Z had the best bracket with nine points heading into the finals. Unfortunately, he did not pick too well in phase one. Superduperman and B Man each had eight points heading into the finals. But, Superduper edged out Bman by picking two seed Arkansas to head to Omaha. That pick won it for him.

Superduperman- Email me your address to zman40 at hotmail dot com and I will get your prizes mailed out to you as soon as possible.

Thanks to all that entered. I hope to see you all back next year!

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