Thursday, August 21, 2014

1993 Select, Mariano Duncan

#151 Mariano Duncan

Here is a card that I got signed by Mariano Duncan this past Spring Training. Mariano is the batting coach for the Cubs A+ team in Daytona and he was nice enough to sign two cards for me after the Cubs minor leaguers worked out the day I was there.

Mariano played in the Major Leagues for twelve seasons with five clubs- the Dodgers, Reds, Phillies, Yankees, and Blue Jays. He mainly played up the middle, spending a tad bit more time at second than at short. He was a .267 career hitter that had 87 home runs and 491 RBI.

I am glad that Mariano signed a Phillies card for me as he had his best season as a Phillie (he signed two of the three cards I had). In 1993, his second season in Philadelphia, Mariano hit .282 with 11 home runs and a career-high 73 RBI. It might have been a little late, but he was rewarded for his good season with a trip to the All Star Game the following season. That was the only All Star team that he ever made, but at least he got to start it. He was 0-1 in the game with a ground out off of Jimmy Key.

Mariano was lucky enough to play in three World Series. He played in it in 1990 (Cincinnati), '93 (Philadelphia), and '96 (New York). He did really well in the '93 Series (10-29 with a triple and 2 RBI), but not so hot in the other two (3-33). Strangely, the two he hit poorly in were the two he won.

It has been a bit of a Phillies parade of late. Three out of the last six cards I have posted have been of one.

I like this card because it features two other predominant middle infielders from the '90s- Micky Morandidi and Jay Bell.

This card lists Mariano as playing second base and left field. Surprisingly, in 1992, he started more games in left than at second.

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