Tuesday, February 11, 2014

1988 Score, Chris Bosio

#38 Chris Bosio

Here is the second installment of Chris Bosio cards that I got signed at Spring Training last year.

It was actually kind of a fluke that I got these cards signed by Chris last spring. While we had planned on seeing the Cubs play the first day we were there, I was unable to get any cards signed by him then. For the second day, we were supposed to see the Giants at the Rockies at Salt River Fields. When we got to the complex, we were surprised to see that the game was sold out. This was our first trip to Arizona and I never thought a weekday game would sell out. It was still really early as I was hoping to get some autographs from the minor league fields. So, we payed to park and walked around a bit while keeping an eye out for people with tickets. We didn't see anyone selling tickets or any 'graphers to help identify people, so we said screw it. We're are heading to Tempe to see the Royals play the Angels.

So, we got back in the car and, after a brief stop at Target, drove to Tempe. We got their a lot closer to gametime and there was some surprisingly heavy traffic. By the time we got to the park, we discovered that that game was also sold out. We actually found a scalper at that place but we were unwilling to shell out over a hundred dollars for three lawn seats. So, I got back on the smartphone and found a third choice.

The third choice was Maryvale, home of the Brewers. They were playing the Cubs and I figured that if an Angels/Royals game was sold out, surely a Brewers/Cubs game would be too. But, rather than have no baseball that day, we made the drive to check it out. By this time, all three of us were a little pissed off with how the events were unfolding. But, we got to the park and it was not sold out and everything was all good.

Since I had seen the Cubs the night before, I had my Cubs cards handy. It took a bit to get them somewhat sorted, but I had a thirty minute drive to do the best I could. I didn't get very many cards signed at that game. But, with the circumstances, I was happy to get anything at all. And we got to see a good game and have a couple of beers in the shade. The shade was nice since we got fried on the first day of the trip.


  1. That card is almost too dark, but the black sharpie shows up ok. I'd like to travel to a game with you just to see you in action.

  2. Maybe I will hit you up for a Rangers game sometime.
