Tuesday, June 5, 2012

College World Series Contest Update

The Super Regionals are set and here is how we are looking so far. These are the teams that are still in it. Keep in mind that all of these teams are two losses away from elimination and two wins away from the College World Series. Just because you have teams on this list does not mean you already have points.

Eric L- Oregon, Baylor, LSU, Arizona, Stanford- five potential points
Mariner1- UCLA, LSU, Florida St- three potential points
Lost Collector- South Carolina, UCLA, LSU, Stanford- four potential points
Nathan- South Carolina, UCLA, LSU- three potential points
Orioles Magic- Florida, South Carolina, Baylor, UCLA, LSU, Florida St- six potential points
Matt- Florida, Baylor, UCLA, LSU, Florida St- five potential points
Kirk Jacobson- UCLA, LSU- two potential points
Joey D aka Anonymous- Florida, South Carolina, LSU, Arizona, Florida St- five potential points
Dion- Florida, South Carolina, Baylor, UCLA, LSU, Stanford- six potential points
Arpsmith- Florida, South Carolina, Oregon, Baylor, Arizona, Stanford- six potential points
Matt Perry- South Carolina, Oregon, Baylor, TCU, LSU, Arizona, Stanford- seven potential points
Superduperman99- Florida, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Stanford- four potential points
Card Anathema- UCLA, Arizona, Stanford- three potential points
Opoohwan- Oregon, Arkansas, UCLA, Arizona- four potential points
Greg Z- Florida, Oregon, UCLA, Stony Brook, Arizona- five potential points
Play at the Plate- South Carolina, Oregon, TCU, Arizona, Stanford- five potential points
Jamicfin- Florida, South Carolina, UCLA- three potential points

So far, Matt Perry has the best chance of coming out on top through the Super Regionals as he has seven teams teams still competing this coming weekend. But, anything can happen.

Keep in mind that this is just an update, not an actual score. But, if I missed one of your teams, please let me know so that I can get that changed.

The Super Regionals start on Friday and the eight CWS teams should be known by Sunday.

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