Tuesday, August 2, 2011

1981 Donruss, Marty Pattin

#343 Marty Pattin

Here is the third and final Marty Pattin card that I got signed at Royals Fanfest this past winter. Actually, this is the first one that I got signed that day (I've got priorities) and it didn't seem that Marty was in a good mood as he didn't say a word to me or even look at me. But, when I made my second trip through the line, he was commenting on an old Pilots card "oh, to be that young and know what I know now". I didn't feel like going through the line a third time, so I made my dad go through at the last minute. They tried to shut the line down, but Marty wasn't having it and he sat there and signed for everyone that was in line.

So, was Marty just not into it yet when he signed this card? Or does he just hate this card? Marty has always seemed like a very talkative person, so it was kind of strange when I went through the first time without even a look from him. Clearly, this is the best card of his ever made, so I highly doubt that he doesn't like it. So, he must have been a little groggy after lunch or something when he signed this card.

'81 Donruss Tracker: 84/100

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