Wednesday, June 15, 2011

College World Series Contest Standings

Through the Super Regionals, here are how many points each of the twenty-five contestants has.

Ryan-6 (Virginia, South Carolina, Florida, Vanderbilt, North Carolina, plug) (Virginia, South Carolina, Florida, Texas, North Carolina)
Play at the Plate-5 (South Carolina, Florida, Texas, Vanderbilt, plug)
Derek-4 (Virginia, Texas, Vanderbilt, North Carolina)
Matt Pederson-4 (Texas A&M, Texas, Vanderbilt, plug)
Dhoff-4 (Virginia, Texas A&M, Florida, plug)
Card Hobbyist-4 (Virginia, South Carolina, Texas, plug)
The Diamond King-3 (Virginia, South Carolina, plug)
Kirk Jacobson-3 (Virginia, Texas, plug)
The Dimwit-3 (Virginia, South Carolina, Texas)
Cubsfan731-3 (South Carolina, Florida, plug)
Lost Collector- 3 (Texas A&M, Texas, North Carolina)
Nathan-3 (California, South Carolina, plug)
Greg Zakwin-2 (South Carolina, plug)
Angels in Order-2 (Texas, plug)
Spankee-2 (North Carolina, plug)
hiflew-2 (South Carolina, Texas)
Eric L-2 (Texas, plug)
DGreen-2 (Virginia, California)
Matt-1 (plug)
Kazi-1 (Florida)
Anthony-1 (plug)
Joey Dean-1 (Florida)
Uncle Moe-1 (Vanderbilt)

If you think that I made an error in scoring, let me know and I will look into it.

Now, make sure you fill out a bracket for the second phase to increase your score. There are twenty-two points available in the second phase. So, even if you didn't do too hot in the first phase, you are not out of the running. You just need to get lucky with your bracket. Last year, everyone who entered the contest picked Arizona State to at least make it to the finals. They were two and done and it threw everyone's barcket off. As a result, Ryan was able to win the contest with just nine points.

A lot can happen in the second phase, but you need to fill out a bracket.

1 comment:

  1. I hope I can hold on, but I'm not as confident about my picks the rest of the way.
