Thursday, May 26, 2011

2005 Topps Total, Lenny DiNardo

#599 Lenny DiNardo

Here is the second Lenny DiNardo autograph that I have posted on here. I posted the first one a little over a year ago and it can be seen here. That one was obtained in 2009 while Lenny was pitching for the Royals AAA team in Omaha. This autograph, on the other hand, was acquired later on that season after Lenny had been called up by the Royals.

I got the card signed in Minneapolis while the Royals were making their final visit to the Metrodome. I almost didn't ask Lenny to sign since he had pitched so poorly the night before (seven runs in a one inning start), but I figured that might be the last chance to get some more cards signed by him. So, I asked him and Lenny was very nice about the whole thing. Usually when I ask a player to sign, I also ask how they are doing when they come over. But Lenny beat me to it and he actually asked how I was doing before I could ask him. It was good to see that his poor start the night before was behind him. If it wasn't, he did a really good job of hiding it.

It looks like Lenny is pitching for the Sacramento River Cats this season and it appears that Lenny's 2011 season is beginning just like his 2009 season ended. He has one start this season and he pitched 1.1 inning and gave up six earned runs before getting the hook. Ouch.

For some reason, Topps decided to double up relievers on their 2005 Topps Total cards. I suppose that helped to cut down on cards in the set, but I would have preferred that they all got their own card. Now I have to try to track down John Halama to get the other half of this card signed.


  1. I know that it's tough to send an already signed card in a TTM request, but John signed for me in about a week in 2009. Good luck man!

  2. Good luck gettting Halama. It's good he could put that bad start behind him. Hopefully he did it again this year.

  3. I have several plastic Stetson baseballs and a small wooden bat signed by Lenny when he was in college.
