Sunday, February 6, 2011

1994 Pinnacle, Luis Lopez

#259 Luis Lopez

Here is another Padrograph from the latest package that Rod sent me. Technically, I think this is the first actual Padrograph from the bunch that I have posted. All of the others were non-Padres cards. The one exception might be the Thomas Howard minor legue card that shows him as a member of the Padres AAA team, the Las Vegas Stars.

This is the second Luis Lopez autograph that Rod has sent me. The first one was posted about a year and a half ago and it can be seen here. In that post, I suggested that Luis' signature looked like three "support our troops" ribbon magnets all orientated at different angles. I still stand by that claim with this card.

This is a great looking card and I doubt that Rod could have found a better one to get signed.

I tried.