Wednesday, February 2, 2011

1992 Mother's Cookies, Jamie Quirk

#15 Jamie Quirk

Here is one of the two Jamie Quirk cards that I was able to get signed at Royals Fanfest last month. Like John Wathan, I have quite a few Quirk autographs and I believe that this is the sixth one that I have posted. This is the second Quirk A's card that I have posted, but you just can't beat a Mother's Cookies card. They are a real treat. I was happy to get my first two signed at Astros Fanfest in 2009 and it is great to finally have a third MC card signed. It's too bad that they do not make these cards anymore.

If you would like to see the other card that Jamie signed for me that day, head over to Ryan's The Great Orioles Autograph Project as he posted his new Quirk auto earlier today. Getting that card signed for him really made my Fanfest.

Jamie is currently the Astros bullpen coach. At Fanfest, someone asked him what he was up to these days and he told them that he was with Houston and that he now has a new pitching staff to screw up. I couldn't help laughing to myself when he said that.

I picked up this awesome card from for a quarter.


  1. I remember being very disappointed that there were no Mother's Cookies cards for any of the East Coast teams when I first learned about the cards they made.

  2. I had never heard of them until the card blogs started coming out. I don't think that I have seen any Royals cards made by them either.

  3. Quirk is awesome. He granted me an interview at Wrigley, then my vidcam died. I told him I'd be in Houston the next month and asked for a raincheck. In Houston, I was surprised that he actually remembered, laughed and gave me an interview.
