Sunday, July 18, 2010

2002 Topps, Dewon Brazelton

#T209 Dewon Brazelton

Here is a card that I got signed at a Wichita Wingnuts preseason game earlier this year. The Nuts hosted the Kansas City T-Bones of the Northern League that night and I got to see my first professional ballgame that involved two Kansas clubs.

I got this card and a couple others signed prior to the game while Dewon was heading to the dugout. He was the last T-Bone to leave the clubhouse and he came out without a glove while wearing running shoes and a St. Louis Cardinals pullover. I couldn't see a number, so I just guessed that it was Dewon and I guessed right for once.

Speaking of the Kansas City T-Bones, I went to see them play last night. It's not very often that I drive to Kansas City while the Royals are in town and not see them play, but I made an exception yesterday. I decided to go to the T-Bones game since they were hosting their third annual Kansas City A's reunion.

I have known about the reunion since the team's press release in May. It was pretty vague and it said to keep checking back on a possible autograph session. So, I kept checking back and all they did was re-issue the release two times with the same wording. So, I went ahead and bought some cards of the A's that were supposed to be there and hoped for the best.

The drive to the ballpark was supposed to be just over two hours. I left early enough to get to the park forty-five minutes before the the gates opened so I could get some food before the game. But, I ended up sitting in traffic on I-70 by Lawrence for two hours because of two separate accidents in the same vicinity. So, instead of getting there with plenty of time to spare, I got there just before first pitch.

There was no autograph session, but most of the players hung out in a suite. I ended up hanging out by the stairs to the suit and I was able to get some autographs from a few of the guys as they left. But, I missed their pregame introductions and I had no clue on who was who, so it wasn't the most ideal autograph setting for me. But, I was able to get eight cards signed by seven former KC A's.

Since I got to the park so late, I wasn't able to get my cards signed from the players and coaches as they took the field. So, I decided to stay until the game was over to get them as they went back to the clubhouse. Because of that decision, I got to sit through a four hour long lop-sided victory. The final score was 14-5 for the visiting team as twenty-nine hits were collected in the game. To make matters worse, they cut the lights off as soon as the game was over for the fireworks show and that further hindered my 'graphing for the night. When it was all said and done, I came home with fifteen signed cards from twelve guys.

Since, I didn't get a post up last night (I got home a bit late), I will post another one tonight. Tomorrow will be the last day of my autograph recap and I will be continuing with my 2003 cards tomorrow night. The 2003 cards are going to begin just like the recap is ending- with independent league autographs.

I've got one last thing about Dewon. He is not on the T-Bones roster anymore and I have no idea if he is even playing anymore.

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