Monday, June 14, 2010

CWS contest update

The field is set for Omaha. These are the eight teams that will be playing there.

South Carolina
Florida St
Arizona St

Here is how everyone did with their picks.
Ryan led the bunch and got four teams right. Add on his two bonus points and that gives Ryan a total of six points right now.
Captain Canuck got three teams correct and that puts him in second place.
PAB, Play at the Plate, Skoormit, and Rod all got two teams correct.
Dave got one team correct.

Out of all of the schools, Arizona State was the one that was picked correctly the most. Clemson wasn't chosen once.

Here is the current tally.

Ryan- 6 points
Capt Canuck- 3 points
PAB- 2 points
Skoormit- 2 points
Rod- 2 points
Pat at the Plate- 2 points
Dave- 1 points

Check back tomorrow for details on the final phase of the contest.


  1. Wow, this might be the first time that I've ever led any contest on a blog. Something tells me that I will screw this up somehow!
