Saturday, June 26, 2010

CWS Contest Finale

Well, the College World Series isn't over, but this contest is. Nobody picked South Carolina or UCLA to make it to the finals, so there is no point waiting for a champion.

Here is the final tally.

Ryan- 9 pts
Brian- 6 pts

Captain Canuck- 5 pts
PAB- 5 pts
Skoormit- 4 pts
Dave- 2 pts
Rod- 2 pts

Ryan racked up 4 points by picking half of the teams that would make it to Omaha and Brian guessed more game winners than everyone else, so I guess it is appropriate that they are the two winners. If TCU would have knocked off UCLA, Brian would have won by even more points and PAB would have scooted into second. But that was not the case. Brian and Ryan will each be getting a signed '07 A&G Augie Garrido card. Some more prizes will be made available at the end of the CWS and you two can divide them up then.

Congratulations to the winners and I want to thank everybody for playing along. I'm already looking forward to next year's contest and I would appreciate everyone's feedback on how I could make it better/easier/simpler. I was a little disappointed in the lack of participants, but I wanted all the points to come from the CWS, not from pimping my blog. Maybe I will change that next year, though. Let me know what you think.


  1. I was surprised too. I remember an earlier contest when you had a slew of entries. Maybe it's because most readers follow MLB and not the CWS/prospects?

    Either way I had a lot of fun with it!

  2. I liked the contest. I was more into the college world series this year and discovered guys like Jackie Bradley Jr. in the process. If only TCU had one more Matt Purke.

  3. I really liked the contest too. It definitely helped me follow the CWS more than I would have otherwise. It's covered so much more in the Midwest than it is here in the Northeast. I was visiting family in Arkansas one year and literally couldn't find MLB scores in her newspaper sports section, it was all coverage of the CWS.

  4. The contest was great. It didn't hurt that I got second place. Next year, I'll pimp it for no bonus points. Of course, that doesn't hit more than 81 readers right now. Thanks Z.
