Wednesday, June 9, 2010

College World Series contest update

I had a long day at work today and I'm not sure if I'm going to get a regular post up. But, I did want to update everyone (all seven of you) on how you are doing in the CWS contest. The first round is over and the stage for the super regionals is set. So, let's see who has teams remaining.

PAB has six out of eight teams still in the mix. If things go his way, he could have a nice lead going into the CWS

Captain Canuck has five teams still in it, so he is looking good.

Dave has four teams still left.

Play at the Plate has five teams.

Skoormit has five teams.

Ryan has five teams, too.

Rod has four teams left.

So, basically everyone has a chance to get at least four points. The way it is looking, everyone should get at least a point. We'll have to wait until next weekend to find out for sure, though. By next Monday, we should know the final eight teams and I'll start taking entries for the final phase of the contest. Even if you missed the first phase, you can still get in on the second phase. So make sure to check back next week if that is something you might be interested in.

Finally, since I am back from my trip, I guess I can announce who gets the two bonus points. For these points, all you had to do was guess how many autographs I was going to get on my trip. For some reason, a couple of people forgot this part. Personally, I was pulling for Captain Canuck in this segment since his guess was along the lines of my goal. But I fell a little short and that ended up helping Ryan who guessed 58. My final tally was actually 59, so nice job on that one Ryan. It's still early, but Ryan has an early lead.

Ryan: 2 points

Here are a couple of cards that Ryan could be going home with if he can maintain his lead.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool Zach. That's a ton of autographs and thanks again for holding this contest.
