Wednesday, February 3, 2010

1983 Fleer, Bud Black

#107 Bud Black

Here is the first '83 Fleer card that I have posted on here in over a year. The last one I posted was in September of 2008. I guess I just don't have too many cards from this set. Luckily, Night Owl was able to pick this one up for me at his dollar store. This is the first dollar store acquisition to appear on the blog.

It was good seeing Bud Black at Royals Fanfest. It's always nice when a former player, who works for a different organization, can come back to town and relive the glory days with former teammates.

Bud was really nice when I talked to him about the upcoming Padre season. He seems to think that they are going to be OK this year and he hopes that they hold onto Adrian Gonzalez for as long as they can.

On a side note, there is a new blog out that I'm sure the autograph collectors will enjoy. It's called An Autograph A Day and it is by a collector trying to get at least 365 autographs this year. I haven't seen any baseball autographs on his blog yet, but I'm sure that there will be a few. For now, it has mostly been football, basketball, and golf. If you are into autos, check it out.

I came really close to calling this blog "An Autograph a Day". But, I didn't want it to seem like I copied the name from "A Pack a Day". So, instead, we are stuck with the generic "Autographed Cards" title. Straight and to the point.


  1. Hey, all right! Glad you could use some of those for signing purposes.

  2. Nothing wrong with your blog title. Truth in advertising is a good thing. :)

  3. Thanks for the introduction to your readers. Ironically baseball autographs make up a very significant portion -- both in terms of numbers and significant figures in the game's history which I obtained largely in person throughout the 1980s. Hopefully soon I'll have a baseball addition to report this year.

