Tuesday, January 12, 2010

1999 Topps, Jeff Montgomery

#179 Jeff Montgomery

Here is one last card of Jeff Montgomery, the Royals all-time saves leader with 304. Jeff has 66 more saves than the second place Dan Quisenberry and 215 more saves than the third place Joakim Soria.

At this point, I have no idea how many cards I have signed by Monty. I am going to guess that it is at least four and probably five. If he was going to be at Fanfest this year, he definitely would have been on the list of cards to get signed for other bloggers. But, for some reason he is not.

I have so many cards signed by Jeff that I do not recall where I got this card signed. It was most likely at some Royals Caravan stop, but that is as close as I can get. I do know that this was the first card that I had signed from '99 Topps. So, at least I know something.

Speaking of the Caravan, today is the day that it rolls through my town. In the past, the Caravan has always done a public signing here at the mall, a car dealership, or Wal-Mart. Unfortunately, that is not the case this year.

For some reason, the Royals have drastically shortened the caravan this year. Many towns that used to be on it are now left out. They are still coming to my town, but they are only doing a private appearance at a local elementary school. Normally, I wouldn't mind too much since I have autographs from most of the players and alumni that go on the trips. But this year is different. This year, George Brett is coming to town.

So now I have to drive to Manhattan and buy a $28 Kansas State basketball ticket to get George's autograph. And that is what I am going to do. I'm hoping that I can go through the line at least twice to make it worth it.

I'm used to being disappointed by the Royals on the field. But being disappointed in their Caravan is something new to me.


  1. Sorry to hear that man. It's always disappointing when our teams change things up on us when they were working to our benefit before. Good luck getting Brett twice!

  2. Its a catch 22-have players no one cares about and go everywhere OR bring along the greatest Royal ever and go to specific places... 2 Autos for 28 bucks aint too bad, plus ya get to see a game, right? Good luck!

  3. Sorry to hear about the caravan cutbacks.

    It could be worse, though - the Mets don't do a fan fest at all and haven't had any public caravan stops since Jan. 2006.

  4. If I were ever going to start a new collection to complement by existing collection, it would probably be star Royals closers, to go along with Joakim Soria. I think I have a Montgomery autograph that I got from him back in '92 or '93 at an Omaha mall.

    Cool card.

  5. I love the auto on the horizontal card. There is just more room for the players to sign and it looks great. Good luck with Brett!
