Friday, October 2, 2009

1991 Line Drive AAA, Jim Gabella

#100 Jim Gabella

I got this card signed the day before the Futures Game when I went to a game in Burlington, Iowa. Jim is the manager of the Burlington Bees. He signed both cards I had of him, this one and a Bees team card.

Jim never made it to the Major Leagues. In fact, he never made it above A ball. A majority of his time in pro ball has been as a coach or manager in the minors. In this card, he is a AAA hitting coach. Close to twenty years later, he is managing a low A team. I couldn't find out much more about him, but I think that it would be safe to assume that he has been coaching in some sort ever since he quit playing in 1980. I'm sure that he knows a thing or two about the game.

The other guy on the card is the pitching coach for the Mariners. I didn't get to see them play this year. But the next time I do, if Rick is still with them, I will try to get him so sign it.

I typed this post last night since I am out of town for a few days. I'm running short on time, so there will not be any posts on Saturday. I'll be back on Sunday and will have a couple of cards up then.

If you are not a Yankee, Mariner, or Tiger fan (or Twins), make sure to root on Zack Grienke tomorrow when he takes on the Twins on Fox.


  1. Jim Gabella was a manager for the single A team here in Watertown way back in the early early '90s. From what I remember, he was a super nice guy.

  2. He seems to have made the rounds. Was it after this card came out?

  3. I think it might've been right after the card came out. '92 or '93 maybe?
