Sunday, September 6, 2009

1981 Donruss, Mickey Hatcher

#526 Mickey Hatcher

I got this card signed yesterday in Kansas City. The Angels were in town to take on Zack Grienke and the Royals. Mickey is the batting coach for the Angels.

Before BP started, I asked Mickey if he would sign. He said that he was busy and he went over the the BP balls and took them over to the mound. After that, he came over to me and signed my card. I only took this card of him with me just in case he was only a one card signer. But he apparently wasn't because he was about to sign the other card that I had on the page of another coach. He caught it before he signed and handed my book back to me and I thanked him. I wish I would have taken one more card of him as a Twin, but at least I got my '81 Donruss card signed.

I took one other '81 Donruss card with me to the game (I should have taken one of Paul Splittorff, but I didn't even think about it). It was of Alfredo Griffin and he didn't sign at all.

'81 Donruss Tracker: 27/100


  1. Seeing this card made me realize I need it to complete the '81 Donruss Dodgers set.

    Geez, I thought I had that completed months ago.

  2. What? I thought that the Jay Johnstone was the last one that you needed. I don't think I have another Hatcher, but I will double check.

  3. Yeah, that's what's so surprising -- I thought Johnstone was the last one, too. I hate it when that happens.
