Friday, March 27, 2009

1991 Procards, Trey Hillman

#3075 Trey Hillman

Here is the last card from Fanfest. Actually, it is the last pre-1993 card. Tomorrow, I'll be jumping into 1993 and I will have a few Padrographs leading off.

As for this card, it is the only card of the set that I have. I bought it on ebay about a week before Fanfest and it arrived at my house the day before. I was cutting it close with this card (and another one).

Trey put his number on the card. I thought that that was something new since he didn't do that on my '08 card that I got signed at the Royals parking lot. But, I was looking through some of my Royals-provided pictures and I found the one that he signed last year at Fanfest and it has the 22 also. So, maybe it is only something he does at signings.

Since this is my last Fanfest post for a while, here is another autograph that I got there.

These buttons were given out at a Royals game in 2007 after the Royals broadcaster, Denny Matthews, was elected to the Hall of Fame. I didn't even think to take this to Fanfest last year. I remembered this year and it turned out pretty good. I like how he added the Hall of Fame inscription without being asked.

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