Friday, November 14, 2008

1989 Uppe Deck 3

#633 Kirk Gibson

I got this card signed through the mail in either 1989 or '90.

Growing up, I was a Dodger fan. So naturally, I was pretty excited in 1988 when they beat out the Mets to face the A's in the World Series. I didn't think that they would beat that stacked Oakland team, but I was still excited nonetheless. The night that the Series started was my little cousin's birthday, so I went to her birthday party and watched the game there. It was getting late, but the game was still close and I didn't want to leave in fear that I might miss something (it was about a 15-20 minute drive home). Luckily, I was able to witness history. I will never forget that ending. I was shocked, nervous and excited when Gibson came up to bat. I wasn't sure if he was up to the task. But, he battled Eckersley to a 3-2 count before hitting the game winning home run on a very awkward and off-balance swing. I will never forget that, especially him limping around the base path and pumping his fist as he rounded second. That won the series for the Dodgers. They had all of the momentum on their side after that.

I never realized it until a couple of days ago, but Dave Stewart (who I posted on here a couple of days ago) started that game and would have been the winner if it wasn't for Gibson.

This is the last card I have from the 80s. Well, it was the last card until last week when I got a couple of cards signed through the mail. So, I'll get those two posted (one is another '81 Donruss) and then kick off the 90s on Sunday (hopefully).

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