Thursday, November 6, 2008

1989 Topps

#25 Frank White

This is the second of the two Frank White autographs that I got at the Royals Caravan in 2004. He went on the Kansas leg of the tour because he was going to be managing the Royal's AA affiliate, the Wichita Wranglers. At all of the Caravan events, it's always one autograph per person. Luckily, that year, the event was held in the afternoon during the week, so there weren't too many people there. I got one card signed and then hung around talking the the local card shop owner while everyone else went through the line. After everyone went through, there was still some time left, so I went up to Frank and got a second card signed and talked a little bit. This card was much better for signing than the '89 Dunruss I showed earlier.

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