Monday, September 22, 2008

1984 Topps 3

#375 Dennis Loenard

I got this card signed at this past winter's Royals Caravan. The Caravan has been coming to my town since I was in middle school (at least that's the first one that I remember). They used to always go to the mall, but sometimes they go to odd places. One year, they came to my middle school. Once, when I was attending Kansas State, they were at the women's basketball game (which I thought was dumb because you had to buy a ticket to the game to get autographs) and a few years ago, they were at a Buick dealership.

Well, this past year, they went to Wal-Mart and Sluggerrr, the Royal's mascot, came with them. He was walking through the line screwing with people when he got to my friend's eleven year-old brother, Aaron. Aaron wanted nothing to do with Sluggerrr, so Sluggerrr chased him around the line for a bit. Finally, he moved on and when he walked by, I grabbed his tail. He turned around real quick to get whoever had done it and I pointed at Aaron. So, he starts chasing Aaron around again and then heads over to the clothing department and grabs a belt and proceeds to chase him with the belt while occasionally snapping it. We all thought that it was pretty funny and it sure made standing in line less boring.

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